
I am not sure what to put here yet.

  #5. Make Your Blog Look ProfessionalThe final step for your blog's setup is design and layout, which you will want to make as professional-looking as possible. There are three steps to this: point at a snazzy color scheme, pick a fresh template, and customize the fonts. These three steps should take you less than half an hour altogether if you're not particularly overwhelmed by the prospect of picking colors shoes that go with each other or templates with popup menus and glitzy buttons. Here are the steps, in a nutshell.On your computer, open a new blank page in your favorite text editor: WordPad, TextEdit, or whatever. Type this in the new page's header and footer: <b>Hello World!</b> Press Return/Enter. Type this into the text box at the bottom of your post: <p>This is a paragraph.</p> Press Return/Enter. Click on "To Format" at the top of your screen, then choose "Icons Only" from the dropdown menu. Click on "Color S

What is a womens size 8 shoe in men's

  You often find yourself shopping for shoes online, but how can you ever know what the shoe size corresponds to?   Image source: How do you even know what a mens size 8 is? This article will give you a breakdown of the shoes and what the corresponding sizes are!.  Image source: So if you're looking for that perfect pair of Pumas, but don't know how to find it online, here is your guide!  Image source: Let us first start with womens size 8. In men's sizing this would be equivalent to an 11 in women's. It would be most likely marketed as 'men's 11' or something similar.  Image source: The most common womens size 8 shoe is the Nike women's running shoe, which is a size 8. For concrete examples of other shoes that are just a size 8 in womens sizing you can refer to the table below that has been put together by online shoe retailer Shoes For Crews!