I am not sure what to put here yet.


#5. Make Your Blog Look ProfessionalThe final step for your blog's setup is design and layout, which you will want to make as professional-looking as possible. There are three steps to this: point at a snazzy color scheme, pick a fresh template, and customize the fonts. These three steps should take you less than half an hour altogether if you're not particularly overwhelmed by the prospect of picking colors shoes that go with each other or templates with popup menus and glitzy buttons. Here are the steps, in a nutshell.On your computer, open a new blank page in your favorite text editor: WordPad, TextEdit, or whatever. Type this in the new page's header and footer: <b>Hello World!</b> Press Return/Enter. Type this into the text box at the bottom of your post: <p>This is a paragraph.</p> Press Return/Enter. Click on "To Format" at the top of your screen, then choose "Icons Only" from the dropdown menu. Click on "Color Scheme" in the upper-right corner of your new document. Add a new color scheme by clicking in the box labeled "New Color Scheme." Doing so will give you a dropdown menu with three possible colors. shoes Click on one of the two colors you want to use. Click on OK, then click on "Page Layout" at the top of your screen, and then choose "WordArt" from the dropdown menu. Underneath "Font," click on "Text Only." Click anywhere within your blog's text box and typ


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<b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</b> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> Press Return/Enter.Now to choose your colors, add a background color shoes of your choosing and a font color of your choosing. Click on the "Customize" button in the upper right corner of your screen, then click on "Page Colors" at the bottom of the drop down box. You'll be able to change the font and background colors under "Page." Then click on "Edit Sidebar," which is in the same place as Page. You can change both text and background colors here.By now you should have something that looks like this picture:Designing fonts is a more difficult process than it sounds like, because fonts come in different sizes and styles. You can get a basic idea of what fonts look like by looking at the lists on your computer's "Font" window. 


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There are many free fonts available on the Internet, but it's even more difficult to find small, designed font faces than large, plain ones. For example, if you search the Internet for "small serif font" or "small sans-serif font," you'll likely come up with thousands of results for "sans-serif.ttf" and "san-serif.ttf" and other large plain fonts that are huge, when what you want is a small font with serifs and sans serifs. If you want to find those, you'll have to browse the results one by one.

The problem with this is that there's no guarantee that any given small font will look good on your blog: it might be too big or too small or just plain ugly next to your chosen colors and templates. You'll have to test out each candidate, all the while trying not to waste too much time or get frustated by the process of browsing thousands of web pages looking for a single font face.


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